Draft Black Country Plan

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Draft Black Country Plan

Policy WSA2 – Land at Vicarage Road and Coronation Road, High Heath and land at Mob Lane, Pelsall

Representation ID: 18472

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: Sport England

Representation Summary:

WAH238 (WSA 2) - Land at Vicarage Road/Coronation Road, High Heath - 504 dwellings
The occupiers of new development, especially residential, will generate demand for sporting provision. The existing provision within an area may not be able to accommodate this increased demand without exacerbating existing and/or predicted future deficiencies. Therefore, Sport England considers that new developments should contribute towards meeting the demand that they generate through the provision of on-site facilities and/or providing additional capacity off-site. The level and nature of any provision should be informed by a robust evidence base such as an up to date Sports Facilities Strategy, Playing Pitch Strategy or other relevant needs assessment. The Council are currently preparing a new Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Facilities Strategy (PPOSS) to consider how to meet existing and future needs for playing pitches and other outdoor sports facilities. The PPOSS will scenario test the proposed major housing growth sites within the proposed plan and make recommendations for how best to meet the future needs generated by this population growth. These needs might be best met by either on-site provision of new pitches and ancillary facilities, off-site contributions to improve existing provision of pitches/ancillary facilities in the local area or a combination of both. Sport England are aware that there are several existing sports facilities locally that would potentially benefit from developer contributions in order to improve the existing provision to cater for the additional demand generated by these proposed developments. Sport England considers that the following proposed allocations are of sufficient size to justify suitable developer contributions towards sport to meet the needs of the respective developments. At Reg 19 stage, following the completion of the PPOSS, Sport England will make more detailed comments with reference to Sport England's Playing Pitch Calculator. The following proposed policy allocations should make specific reference to securing suitable developer contributions towards the provision of facilities for sport in line with the findings and recommendations of the PPOSS:

WAH238 (WSA 2) - Land at Vicarage Road/Coronation Road, High Heath - 504 dwellings


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 18474

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: Sport England

Representation Summary:

WOH193/194 - Former St Lukes Junior School, Goldthorn
Sport England acknowledge that mitigation for the loss of the former school playing field has already been provided at the new St Lukes School site. We also acknowledge that the site is proposed to be carried over from the adopted City Centre Area Action Plan allocation. Notwithstanding these points, Sport England are aware that there are pressures to expand the school facilities at the neighbouring Royal School and Royal Junior School that places a threat to existing playing fields on those neighbouring sites. Sport England considers that some or all of this housing allocation should be re-allocated to address those education needs to ensure that the existing school playing fields are protected, and potentially to further develop the school's sports facilities where needed.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 18475

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: Sport England

Representation Summary:

WOH199 - Former Northicote School, Northwood Sport England have agreed with the Council a proposed package of mitigation for the loss of playing field at this site which involves investment in providing better quality pitches at Bee Lane playing fields. However, at the time of writing the current planning application is undetermined and the mitigation has not been implemented. Therefore, the policy should make specific reference to mitigating the loss of the playing field in accordance with para 99 of the NPPF.


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 18476

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: Sport England

Representation Summary:

WOH267 - South Staffordshire Golf Course, land at Codsall Road, Wolverhampton
The proposed allocation involves the loss of part of the golf course (1 hole). The table refers re-configuring the course to replace the hole lost to development to retain a high standard of golf course in accordance with the existing Playing Pitch Strategy. England Golf advise that it may be feasible to successfully re-configure the course, but would be unable to comment further without more detailed plans. Re-configuring the existing course on less land may not meet para 99 of the NPPF where this results in a quantitative loss of land used for sport? The policy wording should be revised to ensure suitable mitigation that accords with para 99 of the NPPF (which might require an equitable replacement area of land).


Draft Black Country Plan

Development Allocations

Representation ID: 18477

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: Sport England

Representation Summary:

WOE755 - Rolls Royce Playing Field, Spring Road Sport England notes the reference in the table for the need to mitigate the loss of the former playing field/bowling green. Suggest the wording is refined to require that in the absence of evidence that demonstrates the site to be surplus for sport, that equitable mitigation be secured in line with para 99 of the NPPF and Sport England's Playing Fields Policy.


Draft Black Country Plan

Policy CSA1 – Bushbury Strategic Allocation

Representation ID: 18478

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: Sport England

Representation Summary:

The occupiers of new development, especially residential, will generate demand for sporting provision. The existing provision within an area may not be able to accommodate this increased demand without exacerbating existing and/or predicted future deficiencies. Therefore, Sport England considers that new developments should contribute towards meeting the demand that they generate through the provision of on-site facilities and/or providing additional capacity off-site. The level and nature of any provision should be informed by a robust evidence base such as an up to date Sports Facilities Strategy, Playing Pitch Strategy or other relevant needs assessment. The Council are currently preparing a new Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Facilities Strategy (PPOSS) to consider how to meet existing and future needs for playing pitches and other outdoor sports facilities. The PPOSS will scenario test the proposed major housing growth sites within the proposed plan and make recommendations for how best to meet the future needs generated by this population growth. These needs might be best met by either on-site provision of new pitches and ancillary facilities, off-site contributions to improve existing provision of pitches/ancillary facilities in the local area or a combination of both. Sport England are aware that there are several existing sports facilities locally that would potentially benefit from developer contributions in order to improve the existing provision to cater for the additional demand generated by these proposed developments. Sport England considers that the following proposed allocations are of sufficient size to justify suitable developer contributions towards sport to meet the needs of the respective developments. At Reg 19 stage, following the completion of the PPOSS, Sport England will make more detailed comments with reference to Sport England's Playing Pitch Calculator. The following proposed policy allocations should make specific reference to securing suitable developer contributions towards the provision of facilities for sport in line with the findings and recommendations of the PPOSS: The following four sites are locationally interlinked and form parts of the same strategic allocation for 532 new dwellings: WOH259 (CSA 1) - Land north of Moseley Road, Bushbury - 78 dwellings
WOH257 (CSA 1) - Northycote Lane, Bushbury - 182 dwellings
WOH260 (CSA 1) - Land at Bushbury Lane/Legs Lane, Bushbury - 148 dwellings

For the reasons explained above, Sport England does not agree with the contents of para D44 which states that it is considered that the local area will have good access to...sports facilities that have capacity to meet the varied needs of new residents. In advance of the completion of the PPOSS, this cannot be agreed. The PPOSS may in fact demonstrate a shortfall of capacity for some sports?


Draft Black Country Plan

Policy CSA2 – Fallings Park Strategic Allocation

Representation ID: 18479

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: Sport England

Representation Summary:

The occupiers of new development, especially residential, will generate demand for sporting provision. The existing provision within an area may not be able to accommodate this increased demand without exacerbating existing and/or predicted future deficiencies. Therefore, Sport England considers that new developments should contribute towards meeting the demand that they generate through the provision of on-site facilities and/or providing additional capacity off-site. The level and nature of any provision should be informed by a robust evidence base such as an up to date Sports Facilities Strategy, Playing Pitch Strategy or other relevant needs assessment. The Council are currently preparing a new Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Facilities Strategy (PPOSS) to consider how to meet existing and future needs for playing pitches and other outdoor sports facilities. The PPOSS will scenario test the proposed major housing growth sites within the proposed plan and make recommendations for how best to meet the future needs generated by this population growth. These needs might be best met by either on-site provision of new pitches and ancillary facilities, off-site contributions to improve existing provision of pitches/ancillary facilities in the local area or a combination of both. Sport England are aware that there are several existing sports facilities locally that would potentially benefit from developer contributions in order to improve the existing provision to cater for the additional demand generated by these proposed developments. Sport England considers that the following proposed allocations are of sufficient size to justify suitable developer contributions towards sport to meet the needs of the respective developments. At Reg 19 stage, following the completion of the PPOSS, Sport England will make more detailed comments with reference to Sport England's Playing Pitch Calculator. The following proposed policy allocations should make specific reference to securing suitable developer contributions towards the provision of facilities for sport in line with the findings and recommendations of the PPOSS: The following four sites are locationally interlinked and form parts of the same strategic allocation for 532 new dwellings: WOH259 (CSA 1) - Land north of Moseley Road, Bushbury - 78 dwellings WOH258 (CSA 1) - Land south of Moseley Road, Bushbury - 124 dwellings WOH257 (CSA 1) - Northycote Lane, Bushbury - 182 dwellings
WOH260 (CSA 1) - Land at Bushbury Lane/Legs Lane, Bushbury - 148 dwellings For the reasons explained above, Sport England does not agree with the contents of para D44 which states that it is considered that the local area will have good access to...sports facilities that have capacity to meet the varied needs of new residents. In advance of the completion of the PPOSS, this cannot be agreed. The PPOSS may in fact demonstrate a shortfall of capacity for some sports? The following four sites are locationally interlinked and form parts of the same strategic allocation for 303 new dwellings: WOH263 (CSA 2) - Land east of Wood Hayes Road, Wolverhampton - 80 dwellings WOH264 (CSA 2) - Land at Grassy Lane, Fallings Park - 95 dwellings WOH262 (CSA 2) - Open Space at Grassy Lane, Fallings Park - 88 dwellings WOH271 (CSA 2) - Land east of Wood Hayes Road - 40 dwellings For the reasons explained above, Sport England does not agree with the contents of para D62 which states that it is considered that the local area will have good access to...sports facilities that have capacity to meet the varied needs of new residents. In advance of the completion of the PPOSS, this cannot be agreed. The PPOSS could demonstrate a shortfall of capacity for some sports?

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