Draft Black Country Plan

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Draft Black Country Plan

Existing Black Country Core Strategy

Representation ID: 11905

Received: 10/10/2021

Respondent: Land and horse owners

Representation Summary:

build on brown sites


Draft Black Country Plan

Policy WSA6 – Land off Sutton Road, Longwood Lane, Walsall

Representation ID: 17161

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: Land and horse owners

Representation Summary:

Building 1162 Houses in the area will put all of the local Road infrastructure under so much pressure and the local lanes are old and narrow and will not take the volume of traffic. The crime rate will increase by 90% there are already Drugs fly tipping, prostitution, there. There are not enough schools now in the area and no spaces at the doctors or dentists.
There are so many rare and endangered animals & birds that will lose there home too.


Draft Black Country Plan

Policy WSA8 – Land between Queslett Road, Doe Bank Lane and Aldridge Road, Pheasey

Representation ID: 17162

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: Land and horse owners

Representation Summary:

Building 1162 Houses in the area will put all of the local Road infrastructure under so much pressure and the local lanes are old and narrow and will not take the volume of traffic. The crime rate will increase by 90% there are already Drugs fly tipping, prostitution, there. There are not enough schools now in the area and no spaces at the doctors or dentists.
There are so many rare and endangered animals & birds that will lose there home too.

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