Draft Black Country Plan

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Draft Black Country Plan

Vision for the Black Country

Representation ID: 11484

Received: 04/10/2021

Respondent: Woodsetton Charitable Trust

Representation Summary:

The Woodsetton Trust supports the Draft Plan,s Vision for the Black Country subject to the following provisos
1.The Vision is too inward looking.It does not set the Black Country in its Regional context.This means it is not posssible to relate the proposals to what is happening only a few miles from the boundary.
For example the development of Wombourne in South Staffs has major implications for housing ,transport and the Woodsetton environment


Draft Black Country Plan

Policy CSP1 - Development Strategy

Representation ID: 11485

Received: 04/10/2021

Respondent: Woodsetton Charitable Trust

Representation Summary:

Working to a single figure of housing needs to be provided during the plan period.If one thing is true it will be wrong.
A range of housing needed would be more resiliant.
Also in deciding what and how to provide housing consideration needs to be given to what might be housing needs post 2039.
For example if significant areas of Green Belt in Dudley are to be used up to 2039 what does this mean for development options for 2040 onwardss.Does it mean all remaining Green belt then has to be Used.?


Draft Black Country Plan

Policy GB1 – The Black Country Green Belt

Representation ID: 11486

Received: 04/10/2021

Respondent: Woodsetton Charitable Trust

Representation Summary:

Existing Green Belt has to be protected.None of it should be used to meet housing needs.Rather a positive approach to use of all these areas for Green Belt appropriate uses.If the proposed policies are followed it means that from 2040 onwards more of the existing Green Belt would have to be used to meet future housing needs.


Draft Black Country Plan

Policy DEL1 – Infrastructure Provision

Representation ID: 11487

Received: 04/10/2021

Respondent: Woodsetton Charitable Trust

Representation Summary:

For North Dudley including Woodsetton and Sedgley a key issue is and will continue to be the dependence of the growing population of Wombourne in South Staffs on employment ,further and higher education,health and other services in Dudley,other parts of the Black Country and Birmingham.
This dependence means increasing traffic entering and exiting the Black Country from the west via the A463 through Sedgley.There is no public transport linking Wombourne to the Black Country and Birmingham through Sedgley.
There does not appear any recognition of this issue in the draft Plan.


Draft Black Country Plan

Policy HOU1 – Delivering Sustainable Housing Growth

Representation ID: 11488

Received: 04/10/2021

Respondent: Woodsetton Charitable Trust

Representation Summary:

It is not clear to the Trust what housing need cannot be met in the Black Country and more particularly Dudley and what if any of the needs are to be met and if so where and how.It seems to the Trust that answere to these questions need to be provided to assess their implications for the Black Country and its constituent parts such as North Dudley.If some of the provision is to be made in Wombourne this will clearly have an impact on the Woodsetton area and Sedgley.


Draft Black Country Plan

Policy TRAN1 Priorities for the Development of the Transport Network

Representation ID: 11489

Received: 04/10/2021

Respondent: Woodsetton Charitable Trust

Representation Summary:

Re A463 Corridor
The Trust believes that there needs to be a recognition of and responses to the relationship of Wombourne and other areas to the west of the Black Country and realted movement issues.Reference has already been made to the A463 Corridor.
The trust does not beleive increasing road capacity would be a an appropriate response.However Public Transport must be improved.


Draft Black Country Plan

Policy ENV1 – Nature Conservation

Representation ID: 11490

Received: 04/10/2021

Respondent: Woodsetton Charitable Trust

Representation Summary:

Turls Hill and Swan Brook Valley are surrounded by built development providing local residents with a unique resource for education ,leisure and recreation.They also provide pedestrian access .
Confirmation of the Turls Hill Green Belt is welcomed.The Swan Brook Valley should also be given Green Belt protection and both areas need to be designated as Special Areas of Conservation and Local Nature Reserves.
Hurst Hill ancient Woodland was worked for limestone before the Wrens Nest and the whole area should be included.


Draft Black Country Plan

Policy ENV 5 - Historic Character and Local Distinctiveness of the Black Country

Representation ID: 11491

Received: 04/10/2021

Respondent: Woodsetton Charitable Trust

Representation Summary:

The designation of Turls Hill and Swan Brook Valley as areas of High Landscape Value is very much Welcomed given their value to the local community and


Draft Black Country Plan

Policy CC1 – Increasing efficiency and resilience

Representation ID: 11492

Received: 04/10/2021

Respondent: Woodsetton Charitable Trust

Representation Summary:

The Trust wholeheartedly supports to proposed response to climate change subject to the necessary resources and delivery arrangements being made available.


Draft Black Country Plan

Policy W1 – Waste Infrastructure – Future Requirements

Representation ID: 11493

Received: 04/10/2021

Respondent: Woodsetton Charitable Trust

Representation Summary:

The proposals are supported.However the recent withdrawl of access of Dudley residents to the Anchor Lane Waste disposal and recycling facility shows that physical provision alo ne will not deliver the plans aims and objectivesunless backed up by the necccessary access arrangements so as to minimise travel.The Anchor Lane facitlity was provided to provide access to all residents in North Dudley and Wolverhampton.

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