Policy DSA4 Corbett Meadow Local Green Space

Showing comments and forms 1 to 30 of 107


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 10663

Received: 01/09/2021

Respondent: Mrs Su Brad

Representation Summary:

This area should be saved and kept as a nature reserve. Open it up to the public for use by the people it was originally intended for. This would help mental and physical health.
There is so much nature in this area that would have nowhere to go if built on.
It is also of historical value and was gifted to the people.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 10821

Received: 13/09/2021

Respondent: Mrs Su Brad

Representation Summary:

I am in full support of this area being protected. It should not be built on as it was gifted to the people of Stourbridge.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 10882

Received: 16/09/2021

Respondent: Mrs Mary Webb

Representation Summary:

Dear Sirs

I wish to support the proposed designation as a Local Green space for Corbett Meadow Policy DSA4, this green site was given to the people of Stourbridge by John Corbett around 1890 it has always been used by local people, myself as a child remember being taken to see the Gymkhana with fair and sideshows, now when walking in spring I see Toads making their way to the pond on the meadow to sporen we also have Foxes. This green space must not be lost we need green spaces more than ever for the wellbeing of local people. I therefore support the application to make this green oasis Corbett Meadow as a local green space.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 10883

Received: 16/09/2021

Respondent: Mr Max Payne

Representation Summary:

I support the proposed designation as a Local Green space for Corbett Meadow Policy DSA4 ENV5 which was give to the people of Amblecote about 1890 by John Corbett this is a green oasis in the middle of housing, we have wildlife Fox a pond visited by Frogs and Toads, must we build on this site when we have brown field sites Corbett Meadow must be saved for the local community..


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 10896

Received: 16/09/2021

Respondent: Mr Douglas Craig

Representation Summary:

I am writing in support of the proposed designation of the Corbett Meadow as an area of historic landscape value, and a green space. It is one of the few loved green spaces left in the area and is important to maintaining wildlife. It was left to the people of Stourbridge by John Corbett whose wishes should be respected.
It it is built on it will increase the pressure on local road traffic and road safety in an already overwhelmed area.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 10903

Received: 16/09/2021

Respondent: Mrs Beverly Langford

Representation Summary:

Dear Sirs,
How can you possibly consider building on the Corbett Meadow.
We certainly need more houses for needy families, cheaper rental are really needed.
If you insist on building in this area there is plenty of space on the green walk through to sainsburys.
There are many little used public houses sitting on near empty land, use that.
Just leave our meadow alone.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 10988

Received: 19/09/2021

Respondent: Mr David Cookson

Representation Summary:

An oasis of calm in a busy area. Any proposal to build would create traffic chaos with the traffic using the hospital.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 11049

Received: 03/09/2021

Respondent: Mr Thomas Bunn

Representation Summary:

For the attention relating to comments “ Saving Corbett Meadow” Black Country plan.
Legal and Moral obligations.
The expressed wishes as laid down by John Corbett are clear that all the existing land bequeathed was for health facility for the people of Stourbridge , in perpetuity.

Imagine your expressed wishes being tossed aside some generations later as it does not fulfil the local ambitions of the now Dudley Group of Hospitals .
This would be a direct violation of your expressed written edicts and an immoral violation of your will and testament . It is in-effect a moral and legal failure to full-fill in perpetuity the wishes of the benefactor John Corbett .
Imagine your wishes being overturned by financial and bureaucratic interests .

This magnificent habitat was never intended for the development of housing stock or for sale by the Dudley Group of Hospitals.
The current administration of this NHS trust has no attachment to the local and historical being of Amblecote or its residents.

This meadow is a green space lifeline a last surviving vestige of green lung in a diabolically existing densely urbanised area , where it is the last piece of hope for its community .
It has proven wildlife benefits with a wide range of habitats encompassing part of the Coalbourne Brook.
Short term financial gain for this Health Authority must not be allowed presidency over the will of local community interest .

This magnificent undulating meadow must be protected for the health and well-being of the local community . Government edicts are about using brown site land and not destroying the few remaining green spaces that have been destroyed over the last decades.
This meadow is for the long term an outdoor oasis and mental health benefit for its citizens. Once this has gone it’s never to be returned.
The serious implications of housing development would be catastrophic on local life. Access on to the area would devastate and plunge the area into chaos due to major increases of traffic and daily living raising pollution and safety issues for all concerned. Vicarage Road is a bottle neck of existing chaos most days , and additional housing would be an infuriating and devastating blow to current users and residents.
There is never sufficient provision for health facilities schools and other services , these are currently overburdened and stretched and increasing population growth in this small area would seriously impact on the physical mental and social wellbeing of the community.

As a group of county planners we implore you to reject any proposed development on this very last what should be protected green field site , and reject any future planning and development forever.
Housing is important but to loose this oasis in Amblecote is not worth the cost of destruction as outlined above .
Save our green spaces we need your decisions to reflect our pressing desire to save this meadow.

Thomas Bunn


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 11050

Received: 08/09/2021

Respondent: Mrs Susan Helm

Representation Summary:

Re Black Country Plan
I am writing to oppose any development on the piece of land known locally as the Corbett Meadow in Amblecote. This is a beautiful green haven in a built up area which is important for local people to have for their mental health. The area is home to a wide range of flora and fauna including foxes, bats, owls, frogs and toads and protected trees.
The impact of development will take away this much needed green space and will have a detrimental effect on the area in terms of air pollution, noise pollution and roads chaos.
The existing infrastructure of congested roads and local facilities such as GPs surgeries, schools and other services cannot cope with more housing development in an already congested area.
There are already housing developments being constructed within 1 - 2 miles at the bottom of Old Wharf Road and in Brook Street on the old Longlands school all adding to pressures on infrastructure.
Green spaces bring great health benefits to the local community and to build on this untouched land would be detrimental to the people, the area and to wildlife.
If the land has been identified as worth preserving as a green space from 2024 how can it be right to build on it before then.
Please put forward my objections to the development of this green space.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 11097

Received: 10/09/2021

Respondent: Mr Paul Bradley

Representation Summary:

I would very much like to support the Authorities recommendation to approve an LGS application for the Corbett Meadow in Stourbridge.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 11176

Received: 24/09/2021

Respondent: Mrs Judith Payne

Representation Summary:

This land is historic and gifted from John Corbett to the people of Stourbridge, I would like to preserve the wildlife and land that has stood for many years, would certainly be a shame if it was disturbed by housing!!


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 11209

Received: 15/09/2021

Respondent: Terry Smith

Representation Summary:

The above site should be registered LGS in the Stourbridge region.
This site was left to the people of Stourbridge by John Corbett as a natural beauty
site for their pleasure etc.
It was not left for future housing development. !!! by other sources
The Corbett Hospital having already been usurped for such developments
The site has natural beauty plus several health benefits goodness knows how much the Black Country need these areas.
I am a Amblecote resident Dy8 who appreciates this beautiful setting.
There are plenty brownfield sites that would / should benefit from new construction especially along the Canal
areas (Bradley St)also Market Street central town towards
the ring road surely these sites according to our MP/Andy Street should be prioritised.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 11220

Received: 11/09/2021

Respondent: Sheila Webster

Number of people: 2

Representation Summary:

Dear Sir/Madam,
My husband and I have today been viewing the draft of the Black Country Plan. We
would like to put forward our request for consideration that Corbett Meadow, which
was gifted to the residents of the local community by John Corbett in 1892, be
designated as a Local Green Space (LGS) in the Black Country Plan under policy
DSA4 which is at 434 of the consultation document and as an Area of High Historic
Landscape Value (ENV5) which is at page 230. It is a vital area for wildlife in itself and
as part of Coalbourne Brook Valley. A much needed valuable green lung in an urban
This is a time when the environment is of great concern to us all when meadows and
hedgerows are being created, it would be tragic to disturb land that has been aloud to
stay settled for centuries thus not disturbing the carbon deposit lying beneath.
We believe that this would protect this area from development that would put
pressure on already overburdened services and roads as well as safety concerns by
creating a new access to Vicarage Road.
We need new housing but not at the cost of this unique asset, Yours faithfully,


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 11236

Received: 11/09/2021

Respondent: Sandra Knowles

Representation Summary:

I am contacting you to truly and genuinely ask not to give any permission to be able to take away our very useful and much needed Green area, locally known as The Corbett Meadow, that was gifted to the local residents by John Corbett many years ago for the purpose that it has been used for all these years. We are desperate to keep any Green area’s possible as they are quickly being gobbled up by greedy Builders etc who have no connection to our area, the area around Vicarage Road Amblecote is so busy with traffic that there is a permanent traffic jam and traffic fumes fill the air, the roads around here cannot take much more traffic, and also the traffic fumes are terrible for pedestrians, and with all the new homes that are already being built the schools are at over full capacity and so are the local G.P.Surgeries.
We would like the area to be put on the Green Space LGS in the Black Country Plan, quote Policy DSA4 which is on page 434 of the Consultation Document, and also as an Area of High Historic Landscape Value quote Policy ENV5 which is on page 230.
We understand that new homes need to be built but there is plenty of Brown belt land and also old, derelict properties etc around to use in order to keep our precious, healthy Green area’s safe, as when the Green areas have gone they will never return.
I do hope you really seriously consider the thoughts and feelings of us people that live in Amblecote DY8 and the surrounding area, we are truly disappointed that The Green Meadow with all its beauty, wildlife and healthy air is even being considered to be destroyed when it should be preserved.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 11256

Received: 11/09/2021

Respondent: Mr Thomas Bradley

Representation Summary:

I support the planning authorities recommendation for approval of a local greenspace designation (LGS) for the Corbett meadow land in Stourbridge


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 11499

Received: 04/10/2021

Respondent: Ms Ellen Hope Cobb

Representation Summary:

I support the proposed LGS designation for the Corbett Meadow.

The meadow should be preserved for local wildlife. It is a vital green lung in a heavily built up area and home to many species, providing a variety of habitats. Any development on the meadow would be hugely detrimental to wildlife and could impact our local ecosystem. It needs protecting and nurturing for future generations.

There is also the mental health benefit for local residents to consider and the potential for the meadow to be used as an outdoor surgery by the local hospital.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 11565

Received: 06/10/2021

Respondent: Ms Rachel Pugh

Representation Summary:

Protecting the space is important historically, socially and environmentally. It has substantive value to the community, providing much needed green space in an urban environment and allowing local residents to have a physical connection with nature. The ecological uniqueness of the site must also be preserved particularly in consideration of the ongoing biodiversity emergency. Continued development on green spaces in unsustainable and does not consider the long-term impacts of such a developments.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 11912

Received: 10/10/2021

Respondent: Mr Clive Woolger

Representation Summary:

I support the proposal for Corbett Meadow Local Green Space as this is one of the last and largest green open space in the area. The meadow provides important space for environment for wildlife, which really cant be supported elsewhere in the local area. The area around the meadow is already mainly built upon, and therefore there is no other viable open spaces within the local vicinity


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 11969

Received: 10/10/2021

Respondent: Mr Jeremy Cobb

Representation Summary:

Wholly support the protection of this important wildlife habitat and valuable green space in an otherwise fully built up area. It should be preserved and cherished for future generations.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 11972

Received: 10/10/2021

Respondent: Dr Jane Cobb

Representation Summary:

This meadow is of immense importance to our local community and is home and haven to an amazing variety of wildlife - it is precious and unique and gifted to the people of Stourbridge, and historic legacy - it should be highly valued and this unique asset should be preserved for the longterm benefit of the local community. We should be proud particularly of the rare species seen here by local naturalists, particularly within such an otherwise built up urban area. Any development would add pressure to local services and roads.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 12034

Received: 10/10/2021

Respondent: Mr Adrian Mabe

Representation Summary:

This will help protect a valuable green space in an urban area. It will also provide an important wildlife habitat. Further, this land was given by John Corbett to the people of Stourbridge. If this land were to be built on it would destroy John Corbett’s historic legacy.
Any development of this green space would squander the chance to manage the Meadow for the long term benefit of the people of Stourbridge and their physical and mental well being.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 12129

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: Mrs Hannah Woolger

Representation Summary:

This is the green lung of what is already an extremely built up and congested area. It provides homes to a multitude of wildlife, just yesterday there were 5 herons basking in the sunshine in its fields. In a time when the environment and mental health are such crucial topics in our society, doing anything other than preserving this precious space would make very little sense, particularly when there is so much brown site space in the surrounding area. I understand that Dudley NHS are keen to get their hands on the money, but when it's gone it's gone.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 12183

Received: 11/10/2021

Respondent: Dr Thomas Cobb

Representation Summary:

I support the Corbett Meadows designation as a local green space.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 12260

Received: 21/09/2021

Respondent: Ms Denise Hamblett-Price

Representation Summary:

am writing with regard to Corbett Meadow hoping that you will do the right thing for this beautiful & historic space and designate it as a Local Green Space (LGS) in the Black Country Plan (ref Policy DSA4, page 434) and also as an Area of High Historic Landscape Value (ref policy ENV5, page 230).
At a time when environmental issues and a high priority I consider any other plans for this meadow to be not only senseless but almost immoral. This land was given to the people of Stourbridge and having already witnessed the reckless sale of the old Corbett Hospital for housing development I feel that doing the same for this meadow would be an act of violation to our local urban areas and all the wildlife that exists within it.
Please don't sell this land for a quick profit but invest in the long term future and the benefits that this green space can give us all.
Please do the right thing and find alternative brown sites for redevelopment!


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 12262

Received: 13/10/2021

Respondent: Ms Andrea Jackson

Representation Summary:

I support the planning authority's recommendation for approval of a local greenspace designation (LSG) for the Corbett Meadow Land in Amblecote, Stourbridge West Midlands.
This greenspace should forever stay as a green lung and wildlife haven. Once lost it can never be regained


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 12359

Received: 08/09/2021

Respondent: Jacqui Bennett

Representation Summary:

Hi I object to any building on Corbett Meadow, this is the only untouched refuge for wild life, this must remain untouched for future generations. This land was left by the Corbett Family for the people of the area. There is plenty of brown field areas to build on . Yours Jacqueline Bennett
I confirm I am in support for the Black Country Plan proposals to Protect Corbett Meadow. Yours Jacqueline Bennett


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 12370

Received: 05/09/2021

Respondent: Charlotte Woodall

Representation Summary:

I would like to save our valuable green lung in a well built up urban area, as it is a safe haven for our local wildlife.
Plus it would cause more havoc on vicarage road and cause more problems getting to and from the hospital with the
traffic. Plus john corbett left it to the people of stourbridge, so it is our right to say how we want it kept. If anything
do more for the wildlife there to help our green footprint, as every little helps and adds up to our clean air and
global pollution problem.


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 12384

Received: 13/09/2021

Respondent: Tim Wooldridge

Number of people: 2

Representation Summary:

Dear Sirs,

Please add my name and that of my wife to the list of those wishing to keep the Corbett Meadow as a green space. Whilst it is important that new homes are provided, it is also vital that meadows continue to be the lungs of the area and provide space for wildlife. Finally, when Mr. Corbett gave the land, it was to be a green meadow. It would surely be wrong to go against his wishes now.
Marilyn and Tim Wooldridge


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 12395

Received: 16/09/2021

Respondent: Stella Kehoe

Number of people: 2

Representation Summary:

Oh so sorry for the confusion…..

Yes please disregard our last email!

Our position is to protect the area. We do not want the area developed.

I hope that clarifies the issue.

Best wishes,

Stella Kehoe


Draft Black Country Plan

Representation ID: 12799

Received: 01/09/2021

Respondent: Ms Rosanne Adams

Representation Summary:

Dear Dudley Council.


We will never be able to retrieve the beautiful unspoilt areas still existing in this post industrial area if we lose them now. And we are only just beginning to acknowledge nationally (particularly thanks to COVID) how important the natural world is for the mental and physical wellbeing of the people who live here.

After World War 2 the government had a plan to fill in the canals. The canals were not in a good state and the Men from the Ministry could not see any monetary benefit from them. Thanks to Barbara Castle (I believe) and to the individuals who were determined this should not happen there was a canal revival. Local people set to clearing & repairing. This was true nationally and locally, when the Stourbridge Arm was taken on by people from the area. I have recorded an interview with someone who was present at the time.

The canals are now much appreciated and used for recreation, enjoyment of the natural world, holidays, cycling & walking and are a home for many different species away from the noise and pollution of the ever growing numbers of cars on the roads.

We must cherish our beautiful natural areas in the face of the endless push for more roads, more building space, more industrial units etc. We need them and so will our grandchildren.

Best wishes, Rosanne Adams